EnlightenESG is delighted to be partnering with FTAdviser to bring a tailored, data-focused version of the EnlightenESG profiling tool to the FTAdviser readership.
The focus of the FTAdviser version of EnlightenESG will be to gather data and provide regular insights into FTAdviser’s readers’ sustainability preferences and how readers score relative to their peers and the wider universal average.
Output will include data analysis, such as the FTAdviser Sustainability Sentiment Index and whether readers view the E, S or G factor as being most important to their sustainability profile.
EnlightenESG was developed and launched by Pacific Asset Management in 2021, aiming to help financial advisers better understand a client’s appetite for sustainable investing and the areas about which they are most concerned.
The main aim of EnlightenESG is to bring a repeatable, consistent but personal sustainability context to the already well-established risk profile and suitability framework.
To read the full FTAdviser article please click below or if you are an adviser who would find this technology useful for your clients and your business click here to get in touch with the EnlightenESG team to find out more.